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Meet your English teacher Clinton W!

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Clinton W

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map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up16009 positive feedbacks
students109 active students
lessons23803 lessons
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About myself
Hi, my name is Clinton W. I have been teaching ESL since 2011. I have taught all ages kindergarten, grade school, University students, corporate clients, IELTS and TOEIC test preparation. I served as a head teacher for 3.5 years and was responsible for teacher training as well as curriculum development. My vast experience in the ESL industry allows me to adapt and personalize lessons within the Novakid curriculum and framework. My classes are known to be humorous as well as educational. I believe that learning should be fun for the student as well as the teacher. My Superpower is that I have the ability to make any student smile or laugh! I hope to see you in my classroom at Novakid!
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Clinton W

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Sorry, the teacher doesn't have free slots. Please choose another
map markerSouth Africa
user languageNative speaker
thumb up16009 positive feedbacks
students109 active students
lessons23803 lessons